Biodynamics Kiev.

Biodynamics-craniosacral therapy in Kiev

Address: Kiev, Obolon (the Minska metro station)
Tel: +38(067)882-1029
Cost of the session: 1200 UAH.
You can enroll in any convenient way for you:
• by phone: +38 (067) 882-10-29
• email:
• fill in the form at the bottom of the page
How is the Biodynamics session?
To understand the purpose of the session, I will ask you about health and lifestyle. Then you are comfortably placed in comfortable clothes, and within an hour I listen and adjust your whole body with your hands. My approach is biodynamic therapy, it’s easy enough for me to touch your body.

Biodynamics therapy in Kiev

What is Biodynamics?
The basis for the work and assessment of the state of the body is the craniosacral rhythm – the rhythm of the movement of spinal fluid.
This term is usually called a mild, effective and personally conditioned method of treatment, which is based on the natural organizing forces of the body.
The success of the Biodynamic approach lies in the fact that it operates initially to human health, and not to its disease. After all, the body initially programmed an ideal model of health.
The body of each person contains all the information necessary to discover the origins of any health problem. Biodynamic therapy makes it possible to “read” this information and give a push to start self-healing.
In man, as in the system, there are different layers of experience, and all of them can be touched with the help of biodynamics.
In any treatment process, three function fields are active:

– fabrics,
– liquids,
– bioenergy.
Biodynamic therapy has developed special techniques to address any of these dimensions. The essence of her work lies in perfect palpation and sensitivity, multiplied by micro-action on the liquid, neural, fascial and other body levels.
A specialist engaged in biodynamics, “does not impose” on the body the path to healing, but only supports him on this path, revealing the natural opportunities inherent in Nature for self-healing. No “manipulation” with tissues, only support in rhythms and other movements.
Biodynamics is a unique art of treatment that develops the physician’s connection with the essence of life and the inner capacity for cure. This method first of all gives access to basic health.

Biodynamics therapy in Kiev Obolon

What does biodynamic therapy treat?
– injuries of various kinds;
– headaches, migraines, vegetative-vascular disorders, various neuralgia;
– emotional instability, depression, fatigue, drowsiness, memory and attention impairment, chronic fatigue, hyperactivity, sleep disturbance;
– edema, onemia of the extremities, facial surgeries, ENT diseases;
– digestive problems;
– osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, neuritis, joint disease, injuries of the sacrum and spine;
– problems with teeth;
– labor pains, treatment during pregnancy;
– psychological traumas of childhood;
– neurological diseases of various nature, etc.

Kraniosacral biodynamics in Kiev

Advantages of Biodynamic Therapy:
• The method is absolutely ecological, both for the therapist and for the patient.
• Healing occurs with the help of the wise forces of Nature and the human body.
• Has no contraindications for health reasons, age and other diseases;
• Integrates the possibilities of body-oriented and spiritual approaches.
• Individual approach for each patient, taking into account not only his physical and psychoemotional state, but also an assessment of his life situation in which the patient is at a given time.
• Restoring the Balance Spirit – Soul and Body.

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