Craniosacral therapy in Kiev.

Craniosacral therapy in Kiev Ukraine

Address: Kiev, Obolon (the Minska metro station)
Tel: +38(067)882-1029
Cost of the session: 1200 UAH.
You can enroll in any convenient way for you:
• by phone: +38 (067) 882-10-29
• email:
• fill in the form at the bottom of the page
How is the session of Craniosacral therapy?
To understand the purpose of the session, I will ask you a few questions about health and lifestyle. Then you are comfortably placed in comfortable clothes on a special table. Within an hour I listen and tune all your body with my hands. I determine the condition of the craniosacral system by probing certain signal points on the ankles, head, neck, back. After detecting violations, I have a therapeutic effect.

kraniosakral therapy on Kiev Obolon

What is Craniosacral Therapy?
The basis for the work and assessment of the state of the body is the craniosacral rhythm – the rhythm of the movement of spinal fluid.
Craniosacral therapy is based on the knowledge that the skull is not a single rigid structure, but like other parts of the skeleton, its components also move, performing rhythmic mechanical vibrations, called the “primary breath” of the body, which sets a certain rhythm for all internal organs. If this rhythm is broken, then there are failures in their work.
Rhythms, which “obey” the human body:
– cardiovascular (heart rate – 60-80 beats per minute);
– respiratory (15-20 breath / min.);
– craniosacral (6-10 cycles / min.)
The practical task of the CST is aimed not only at easing the patient’s well-being, but more so to discover and solve the problem that initially hides behind a complex of symptoms.
Craniosacral therapy is aimed at restoring the correct circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the spinal canal, which can be disrupted as a result of various injuries (fall, accidents, or just a strong nervous strain). Light pressure on the back, skull bones, diaphragm and fascia weakens the clamping or jamming of the nerve endings and spinal fluid begins to circulate better, and the bones displaced from their place restore their position.
When using the CST method, the human resources necessary for the body for self-regulation are activated. All attention of the CST is directed to the development of physical and mental health, and not to a problem or disease.

CST session inKiev

What does Craniosacral Therapy treat?
– injuries of various kinds;
– headaches, migraines, vegetative-vascular disorders, various neuralgia;
– emotional instability, depression, fatigue, drowsiness, memory and attention impairment, chronic fatigue, hyperactivity, sleep disturbance;
– edema, onemia of the extremities, facial surgeries, ENT diseases;
– digestive problems;
– osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, neuritis, joint disease, injuries of the sacrum and spine;
– problems with teeth;
– labor pains, treatment during pregnancy;
– psychological traumas of childhood;
– neurological diseases of various nature, etc.
Craniosacral therapy will help your body restore the rhythms of movement of all body systems and reach the deep resources of the body’s health, which means finding resources for natural self-healing.

Kraniosacral biodynamics in Kiev Obolon

Advantages of craniosacral therapy:
• The method is absolutely ecological, both for the therapist and for the patient.
• Healing occurs with the help of the wise forces of Nature and the human body.
• Has no contraindications for health reasons, age and other diseases;
• Activates the body’s own regulative forces;
• Individual approach to each patient, taking into account not only his physical and psychoemotional state, but also an assessment of his life situation, in which the patient is at a given time.
• Restoring the Balance Spirit – Soul and Body.

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