Jala Neti – Nose Washing Technique

Jala Neti Kiev Obolon


In anticipation of the coming cold weather, today we want to stop at Jala Neti – cleansing the nasal passage with the help of salt water. After all, Yoga gives the processes of purification the same great importance as asanam or pranayama. Cleansing the whole body helps to get the most out of your work.

If the nose is completely laid, the person is forced to breathe through the mouth, because when the air enters the body through the mouth, he passes all the mechanisms of the nose that prepare him for entering the lungs. Dust and microbes, cold and dry air directly enter the lungs.

Jala Neti is also recommended as a stimulation of various nerve endings in the nose; this improvement in the work of the brain and other organs.

So, how to do the procedure?

  1. Use a special vessel or jug (lot). Important The nozzle at the tip of the spout should be sized to fit easily into the nostrils;
  2. The water used for the procedure must be clean and warm (room temperature);
  3. Then water should be mixed with a pure salt in the amount of one teaspoon of salt per 0.5 liters of water.
  4. You can either squat (in kagasan pose), or stand with your shoulders and head bent forward.
  5. Fill the mug with salt water.
  6. Take the mug with one hand, as shown in the picture.
  7. Carefully insert the tip of the spout into the left nostril (or, if it is embedded – in the right nostril). Do not use force, but the tip of the spout should fit snugly against the nostril, so that water does not leak.
  8. Gradually tilt your head to the right, while lifting the vessel so that water flows into the left nostril.
  9. The mouth should be wide open so you can breathe.
  10. Allow the water to flow through the nostrils for 10-20 seconds.
  11. Then remove the nozzle of the Netya vessel from the nostril and remove water and contaminants from the nose, holding the left nostril and making a quick (not excessively strong) and vigorous exhalation through the right nostril.
  12. Do the same with the right nostril.
  13. After the procedure is completed, it is necessary to dry out the nostrils and remove any remaining contaminants.
Jala Neti Nasal Washing Technique

You can perform this practice as a curative, as well as a preventive procedure. If necessary, consult an instructor or a yoga teacher.

Be healthy and full of energy!

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